Written transcript below.
Hello, lovely human! Yay, and here we are. I have been thinking about creating a podcast for a little while, and it's happening. It's happening for two reasons: one, because now is the right time, and everything in divine timing. The spark is here, the inspiration is here, right now. So here we are. And secondly, I have this amazing sister who creates podcasts and helps people create content to share with the world. She's brilliant and amazing and on board to help me with this project.
I want to say one thing first and foremost: every single podcast moving forward is dedicated to the small- I feel like I might cry right now-humans in my life. I have so many nephews and nieces and these humans that have less life experience. I watch them, I witness them going through life, and I hear and see and feel their struggles. They're the same struggles that I had. Have little bits and nuggets of knowledge that I didn't have then that I want to share for them. They may or may not listen to this, and that's beside the point. It's out in the energy waves, and so it's available for them to pluck and grab and hold into their heart anytime.
With that said, the idea of this podcast and starting my life over right now stems from when I was a younger girl and I would make mistakes. My perfectionist mind, that part of my mind, wanted zero mistakes in my life, just wanted to live this perfect life. So anytime I made a perceived mistake in my brain, and as quickly as it came on, it disappeared, and it comes back. And it's a story that we tell my family about when Lisa had this tick, and that's what was happening in my brain. I'm starting my life over right now. I realize that there is actually an expansive, heartfelt way to start your life over in every moment. It doesn't look like I'm starting my life over right now so that I can eliminate my mistakes and I can eliminate perceived imperfections. It's actually just that with every breath, there is the possibility and the opportunity of opening your heart to love.
And that is what this podcast is. How can I, in each moment, open my heart to love? How can I open versus close? How can I breathe what is coming into my experience, open to love and the energy of expansiveness, and that everything that is happening is happening for me?
Today, take that with you in your day. And when you notice these energies that want to close your heart, it'll feel like a slight irritation. It may be just a disruption in your energy field where something feels off, or you wake up, and you're like, "I don't want to do this today." Just like any of that kind of idea or thought process that comes in that's like, "This isn't what I want." When you experience that and you notice it, step back. "I'm noticing this irritation. I'm noticing this disturbance." Stop in that moment, take a deep breath in, exhale, and ask yourself, "How is this happening for me? And what is the opportunity to open to love in this moment?"
Have a great day, and I'll see you next time.