Written transcript below.
On the, yeah, I should introduce. I'm starting, starting my life over right now. Hi there. I made a mistake. I love it because I'm just sagging into all this excitement to tell you what I want to tell you or what I want to share today.
I want to start with, hey, hi, how are you doing? How are you feeling today? If you're here and you're feeling a little bit closed, I want you to take a deep breath in, exhale, and in this moment for the next couple of minutes, just practice opening your heart. Every moment is an opportunity to open the heart, to open every sense into the love that you are.
Right, like reason and love and peace and joy and gratitude. These are above the line vibrations. Below the line vibrations: anger, depression, apathy, fear. Right in the middle lives courage. And what I love about this is where this vibrant vibration or frequency shifts into that upper limit and that upper scale where you're moving from inspiration and love.
Imagine that you're having a conversation with someone. You're talking back and forth with each other, and then they say something, maybe it's just a statement or a belief. As soon as they speak it, you can feel like, "I don't agree with that." And your heart, in that moment, in that thought, "I don't agree with this," will start to close.
In that closing, if you were able to notice and feel that you're wanting to disagree, you're wanting to argue, you're wanting to make your point and your belief and show them why they need to believe it differently, instead, if you can just say, "We are two different people with two different perspectives."
Your courageous act is actually to turn off your point of view, your perspective, your belief, and open your heart to listening to someone else's. Remember that in listening to another person's perspective and opinion, it's not necessary to believe them or to accept that as your own belief construct. You can listen and disagree.
And it is a very courageous act to listen without convincing or working to convince someone else of what you believe.
So today, in your day, when you have conversations, and you notice that closing, use courage to move into a higher vibration. What is the courageous act that I could take today in this moment? I will be courageous, and I will open my heart to love.
Have a great day, and I'll see you next time.