Written transcript below.
Hello, hiya, hiya, hiya, hiya, hiya, hiya, hiya, hiya, hiya, hiya, hiya, hiya, hiya, hiya, hiya, hiya, hiya, hiya!
Is a little energy work there. Everything always comes back to the breath, and I love that so much. Using the breath with sound is really powerful. When it's cold outside and I'm not always a fan, I'll get in my car, and the car is cold. I don't know if you do this as well, but I'll get in my car because it's so cold, and then I just start making noises, and it warms me up, warming the car before the car actually warms up, just like vocalizing.
Vocalizing with the breath is super powerful, and it can be used in so many ways. That's just an example. It warms me up. In moments of frustration and anger, I can also just yell it out. Here's the thing: when you do this consciously, it helps release what is stuck inside of you. Anytime we have irritation, frustration—any emotion below courage, which is below the line of courage, which is our center point—it's contraction; the frequency is closing, instead of opening. The most skillful way to live is to live with your energy and your frequency always open. Is it possible to do this? Yes, it is. Does it take practice? Absolutely.
Our natural response is to close, to protect. Frustration, anger, irritation—that is a closing of the heart. In those moments, I vocalize with my breath, my frustration. I just scream it out. I yell it out. Some people say, "Grab a pillow and scream into a pillow." I just like the ether. I like to go outside; forget the pillow. I don't want a pillow. I don't want to cover up any of this energy. I just want to let it out. It's all stuck inside me. I'm going to go outside, and I'm just going to scream. I'm just going to howl at the moon, at the sun, whatever time of day. I need to get it out. I'm going to howl and scream and yell. Go someplace safe where you can really get it out.
When you're doing it consciously, it has so much power because what you'll feel is that with that vocalization, breathing out that energy that's stuck, you will have a release. It's not necessarily going to change the experience or the circumstance, but it's going to change how you're interacting with the experience and circumstance from within. So that restriction, that frustration, get it out. Use the vocalization with the breath and let it go.
You can do very deep breaths. You can scream; you can yell. In future episodes, we'll talk about how you can use your body to release that energy. But understand the power of the voice with the breath, the power of vocalization to release that are restrictive and come back to the opening of the heart.
If you have a lot of layers and a lot of closing on the heart, this is going to be a practice that you'll need to repeat again and again. Every time you use the breath and vocalization to release restriction, when you're complete, sit with yourself and say, "Did my heart open just a little bit? Can I feel a slight opening? Can I feel that I'm a little more open?" Look for that subtle difference of the heart opening.
When your heart opens, your life expands for the better. So, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
See you next time. Have a great day!