Written transcript below.
OK, I'm doing another episode of "I'm starting my life over right now." Hey, how are you doing this morning? How are you feeling?
Let's stop and just take a nice deep breath in and exhale. Do one more, just a little clearing, right? Inhale and exhale. Settle into the space for the next four minutes here, thinking about the week ahead, thinking about where you are and what you're feeling in this moment.
And there's really nothing else for you to do right now other than just to feel your body and listen with your ears to what's happening in your mind. Listen with your ears, not generally speaking out loud, but your mind is talking, speaking. Perhaps you're thinking about what you have to do this week; perhaps you're thinking about something that happened yesterday. Stop and see if you can just come into this moment, into this present moment, and just be here right now, feeling your body.
Whatever you're feeling might be comfortable or it might be uncomfortable. Neither really makes a difference; it's just the noticing that's important. Noticing what you're feeling in your body and noticing if there's tension, noticing if there's anxiety, frustration. Perhaps there's just a really a sense of peace and calm; that's lovely. Again, we're not trying to hold onto anything or push anything away; we're just noticing and feeling what's in our body right now.
Often we are distracted and unaware of what is happening in our body, but it's really our best touchpoint for where we're at – is how we're feeling in our body, right? The body is so, so, so important, which is why we talk about moving the body regularly. I believe moving the body with love is so important. In that context of moving in a space of love is more important than the actual moving because where you're at when you're doing the thing that you're doing is what is creating the next and the next and the next.
So, if you're moving your body, like, "I hate moving my body; I don't wanna move my body," then you're generally setting yourself up for every time it comes time to exercise or to move, you have this negative thinking. It's really best to be in pleasure or on friendly terrain with your body when you're moving it. If the idea of moving for 30 minutes or 4-5 minutes seems daunting or overwhelming because it's important that we're in a state of enjoyment and friendliness when we move, start with what feels good. You know, start with what you can do that will feel supportive to you. Maybe it's a walk around the block, perhaps it's a couple of Vinyasas and a couple sun salutations. It might be just turn on a song and shake it out and dance. It doesn't have to be for an extended period of time; you just want to be in this state of friendliness.
Neutrality is OK too. Like, "I'm neutral to my body." Just be in a place where you're not hating on your body when you move your body or you're dreading it. "I don't wanna do this; I hate doing this; it's gonna be awful to get on the treadmill." Then, you know, don't get on the treadmill. That's your choice. You can choose to move your body with love.
So, what to do today? How are you gonna take a jump up and down, do a little dance, do a little Namaste, lay on your back and breathe? That is also moving your body, just a different perspective of it. However, you move today, enjoy it, feel good. You get to decide. Have a great day, and I'll see you next time.