Written transcript below.
Ready, set, go! Hi there. I hope you're doing so well today. I hope you're feeling so good today. There are two possibilities as these sound waves hit your ears and form into understanding. You're not even thinking about it, right? Like you're listening and hear words forming, coming together, and there's an understanding that's happening without any effort on your part.
So much of life happens without any effort on your part; it just happens. And then what's fascinating is a lot of the effort that comes in from us, from our minds, and from our inner voices is just really blockages and obstacles for life happening. So often, life is just going along happening; we're not even having to think about it. And then something comes into our experience, and our preference is that it does not come into our experience, and so we put a big hard stop on it instead of letting the energy flow and letting the experience come to us and through us and out of us. We put a big stop sign in front of it, saying, "I don't wanna feel this; I don't want this to happen," and so, done, and I unsubscribe from this conversation.
Here's the thing: the only way to unsubscribe is to not live, to not breathe, to not be here. You subscribe to life as long as you are breathing. And in this moment, whether that is exciting or heartbreaking to you, here you are.
The best part about this is when you're subscribed to life, you're getting—I'm going to use this as emails; you subscribe to an email list, right? That person could send emails every single day. You get to choose which emails you open. You get to choose where your focus is. You get to choose where your attention is. That doesn't look interesting to me; I'm not gonna give my attention to it. That looks interesting to me; I'm gonna give my attention to that. What I want you to understand is when you put up a big stop sign when something's coming out, and you're like, "I don't prefer this; stop," you may not pass Go; you may not collect $200. When that happens, you are giving your attention to it; you're giving your focus to it, and, in a sense, you're saying, "Life, yes, give me more of what I don't want."
You could see and kind of feel how silly that is, right? Yes, please give me more difficult people to come into my life. When something difficult comes into your life, when a difficult person enters your field, you're having a difficult conversation, you're having a difficult experience, notice in that moment, "This is not something I prefer, and that is OK. This is happening, so we will allow this to come through, pass through. We will open our hearts into this experience with the understanding that this isn't something I prefer, and yet it's still happening for me."
What you'll notice is when you do this without an expectation for that to end, that experience to end or to stop, just allowing it to be, you move through it effortlessly. You're just floating through it, and you're not bringing your attention and focus to how it needs to stop, it needs to end. Because the more focus and attention you give to it, even in that way, the longer you're going to be experiencing that energy.
What happens when we open to love is everything passes through us without an attachment to having something stay longer or without having an attachment to something not coming into our experience. We just let everything move through us effortlessly. And in those moments when you're able to take the energy that's coming at you and say, "You know, I don't prefer you, and yet here you are, so let's just open into it and move through it," what you'll find is you reach the other side a lot sooner. And on the other side, you'll see where and how that experience and circumstance happened exactly for you to be able to be in the new spot that you are. Everything's moment to moment. Let the disturbances come through you instead of trying to pin them down. When you pin them down, you keep them with you longer.
I hope you have a great day, and I'm super happy you're here. I'll see you next time.