Written transcript below.
Yay, we're connecting! This is often how connection happens; we do it digitally these days, right? Oh, it's good to be here. It's good to share with you today. Let's connect. Let's talk about connection, how connection can help you touch into your highest vibration and your highest self. Ultimately, we are here with love – to love, to share it, to receive it, to spread it. The light that we are is love, and love needs to connect.
Even when you're working with the self, just the self-loving the self is about connecting to the self – connecting to your parts that make you up, that you enjoy and care about, and loving those parts and taking action that makes those parts feel good. It's connecting to the self; that is what love is. Connecting with others is sharing love – sharing that love that's within. An interesting thing is it's very difficult to share something that you don't have. If you don't love or care about yourself, it's difficult to connect and share love with others.
We always want to do the inner work because the inner work is where life is lived and where essentially micro universes walk around, passing other microuniverses and connecting to other microuniverses. Like, imagine every person is their own universe because really we are. We have our own thoughts; we have our own beliefs; we have our own feelings, and that's all happening with ourselves, inside of ourselves. Unless we get clear on what is happening within ourselves for ourselves, it's difficult to share that with other people.
To center yourself and tap into the love that you are, you can close your eyes, take a deep breath, and then answer this question: "What I love about myself is..." Just think about it for a moment, and wherever you're at loving yourself, you can start small. It's okay. "What I love about myself is everything. I love everything about myself." We're all different parts of this path, and some of us have had a lot more practice of loving the self; others are just starting out, and that is OK. Where you are is perfect. Like, "What I love about myself is that I showed up today, that I showed up and I'm here. I love that about myself."
"What I love about myself is my smile. What I love about myself is my persistence." What do you love about yourself? Get clear on what you love about yourself because that is the ultimate connection – connecting with the self. Once you've connected with the self, take that piece of connection and find it in other people and share it. Here's an example: So I'm sitting here, and what I love about myself is my smile. I love my smile. I'm gonna use that, and then what I'm going to do is I'm gonna go through the day today looking for smiles that I love and sharing that – just "I love your smile." It could be a stranger; it could be your best friend. Just like, "It makes me smile when you smile. I love your smile." Looking for that thing that you appreciate within yourself and finding it outside of yourself.
What this does is this evidence for what is within is also without, and it's a nice little step to start noticing how the world is orchestrating itself around the things that you focus on. Focus on something you love about yourself and then connect with others by sharing that thing that you love about yourself that you also see in them. Have a great day. Have fun with that too. "I love your persistence. I love that you're doing the work." Right? "I appreciate that about myself. I appreciate that I'm doing this inner work, and then I get to share with other people today as I walk through the day. Like, I see that you're doing the work, and I appreciate it, and I love you for it." Way to see that what I focus on expands. Have a great day, and I'll see you next time.