Written transcript below.
Hi there, so lovely to have you in this energy field right now with me. I'm grateful for you listening; I'm grateful for you taking time to listen to the words that I am sharing here today. Good vibes only.
Here's where I don't sign up because the definition of something as good or bad in itself is creating an expectation. What if it was just vibes, just vibes? Everything is just a frequency; there's no good or bad that comes with any particular frequency. Every frequency has within it something for you. And again, I say something for you; the universe is actually not biased in any way, shape, or form. There's no higher energy out there saying, "Well, this is what I'm going to give this person. I'm gonna have them struggle through this, and I'm gonna have this person be rich, and I'm gonna have this person be born into that." There's just this idea that the universe is somehow orchestrating what it wants.
You are a piece of divinity, and so you're getting in your life what you want. You're getting in your life what you focus on. The vibes that come through into and out of you are your creation. Your thoughts and your feelings are your creators. If you have a belief that it's good vibes only, there's a force and a pressure in that to categorize all the frequencies that you experience. And as soon as you say, "This frequency or this energy or this circumstance is good, this frequency, this energy, this experience is bad," you have a judgment.
The universe lives without judgment. Our intention and our experience of opening to love in this plane of existence, in this human body that we are existing in for a short time, is to remember that we are love and to open to love. So, in every moment where you determine and categorize, "This is a good vibe, this is a bad vibe," you're actually creating a separation from the love that you are.
There's no good or bad; there's vibes. And what you want, notice if these vibes generally create peace and enjoyment and lightheartedness and love. Enjoy these experiences. And when you enjoy those experiences, don't try to hold onto it or make sure that it never leaves your field. If you're doing that, then you're resisting against it. If it's something you don't enjoy, don't find pleasure. Like, this experience is happening, not enjoying this, and yet I can have it happen for me without having it disturb my field. I don't need to resist against it; I don't need to ask it to stop. I'm just experiencing it and noticing that this is not something that I enjoy as much. However, this too shall pass.
The best part, those joyous moments, really feel them, fill up with them because this too shall pass. And those challenging, struggling frequencies, what people might call bad vibes or toxic, instead of identifying those as bad or toxic, just say these are energies that I'm working with right now that I don't enjoy. And so, I'm going to let them pass me instead of push against them or let them disturb the center of who I am. The center of who I am is love. In any experience with any frequency, knowing that your deepest and highest frequency is love, you can always, always open your heart and you can always and always, I mean this, bring love into a frequency and shift and transform it.
What vibe are you bringing into the world today? And rather than saying, "I'm good vibes only," say, you know, "I'm inspiration vibes today, right? I'm bringing the inspiration or I'm funny vibes today. I'm bringing the funny. I'm bringing the silly." And everything you do is like silly, funny, silly, funny, silly, funny. Or maybe you're taking on something really big in your life, so you're bringing the courage vibes today. Like, "I'm taking courageous action." Your vibe is your experience. And rather than really parceling it into good or bad, I mean, you can see how that just does not even give the depth to the frequency that you are.
Instead of doing that, identify the quality, the frequency, vibe that you want to bring into the day and then, like Nike says, just do it. Have a great day. I'll see you next time.